New Goods
So I applied to The Big Crafty in Asheville (December 7th) and now is the nervous period of waiting and hoping that I got in! To bide my time, I'm working on some greeting cards with hand-stitched snap clips that you can choose. The kids and the adults always seem to have the most fun at my booth digging through the piles of hair clips and choosing their favorites, so this card/gift concept will encourage that. I've been furiously stitching piles of the clips with some "new" old vintage buttons that I came across.
For the cards, I designed some funky greetings, then carved them into a printing block, inked it with a roller, and printed the initial designs. It's a little messier than what might come out of the computer, but I like that! Right now I'm working on holiday stuff, but I also plan to make Get Well cards, Thank Yous, and a host of other things. They are printed on 100% recycled cardstock and live in BioBags- made from plant parts and biodegradable. Sweet!
And be sure to check out the new stuff on
One last thing. You might want to add this book to your wish list. I browsed through it at the bookstore this week and it's a-ma-zing with bios of most of my craft idols. It's called Handmade Nation, The Rise of DIY, Art, Craft, and Design.