
New Website Just Launched!

Yahoo! I'm so excited that my new website is up and running! See it at It's a nicer first impression and less cluttered than this blog (which I still love). You can see my blog inset in the website, which is super cool. I made the page through a great, easy tool. It basically lets you create a hub for all your networking media- but you can also add your Etsy shop too! I added Etsy, my blog, my twitter feed, and my flicker photos. Now everything is right there.

Remember when people thought it was crazy that everyone would have their own personal webpage? That was so 2001 :) is making it very easy. They continue to roll out more features everyday, which makes me happy. Most people create a personal page with their name, but I decided to use it for my business instead. I eventually want to add the piece to my page too so you guys can hear what I listen to!


  1. Anonymous3/12/2010

    Your Flavors site looks great! I'm going to sign up now :)

  2. Awesome! Please share a link here when you get it going!
